Market access

Market access

The approval of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics can vary depending on the country of destination. While there are efforts to align these processes or create similar requirements for products, differences still exist at present. In addition, some directives and regulations have been revised or replaced by new ones in recent years. Here we give you an overview of the topic.


The necessary requirements for access to the German market.
The requirements according to the regulations of the EU Commission.
National regulations for the US market
The programme for simplified access to certain participant markets.


Germany as a market for medical devices is largely oriented towards EU regulations. However, there is also the Medical Devices Implementation Act and other national regulations, some of which go beyond the EU requirements. The specific regulations, directives, etc. that are relevant for Germany are briefly listed below.


With the MDR and the IVDR, Europe has uniform regulations as a requirement for access to the markets, although individual countries can impose additional requirements in their national laws. In general, the requirements of the MDR/IVDR and the superseded MDD/IVDD are similar. However, the MDR/IVDR requires more detailed and precise technical documentation.


As in other countries, national regulations take priority when it comes to market access for medical devices in the USA. While the US is a member of the MDSAP, specific regulations such as 'Title 21 CFR 820', '510(k)' and '513(g)' still apply.


The MDSAP is a facilitated auditing and initial approval programme for the markets of participating countries. However, it should be noted that national regulations take priority. Participating countries include the USA, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and Australia, while Singapore, South Korea and Argentina are affiliate members.